I am a member of voiceboks, a great community of women bloggers. If you're interested in joining a supportive group of women who help each other improve their blogs, email me or comment below and I will get you an invitation.
As a part of voiceboks, I agreed to write a post of the "ABC's of Me" to help us get to know each other better. Here is mine:
A -- Always trying to be better, Always trying new things
B -- Bread-lover. Bread is my downfall, but I love it so!
C -- Christ-follower, through and through
D -- Dedicated to my family
E -- Educator, I love what a teacher friend said recently, "Everyone we meet, we teach."
F -- Fun! I like to play with my kids, tease my hubby, and love Baseball.
G -- Growing in Faith. I'm fallen like the rest of us and just trying to grow closer to Jesus every day.
H -- History Buff -- I'm a history teacher and have always loved history.
I -- Inquisitive, always trying to find out WHY?
J -- Jenny, my first name, says a lot about me. Jennifers have a lot of choices for what they choose to be called (Jennifer, Jen, Jenn, Jenny, Jennie, etc.) and I think each of those variations reveals a different personality
K -- Kingdom come, I'm so ready for Jesus to be here! (Maybe "I" should have been impatient, too!)
L -- Loving, I *try* to love everyone I meet, though some of my darling students are harder to love than others.
M -- Married to a wonderful husband of 13 years.
N -- Not perfect, by any means!
O -- Organized, well I used to be before I started blogging!!
P -- Pickles are my favorite food, but don't offer me sweet pickles or friend pickles! Ick!
Q -- Quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies go in a draw in my house, saving for our "Going to Disney" fund.
R -- Recipe junkie. I love to cook and try new recipes. R is also for Rheumatoid Arthritis, a condition I was recently diagnosed with that leaves me with less energy to cook than I'd like.
S -- Simple life. We don't get cable, we don't go to the movies more than once or twice a year, and we don't get many of the comforts others have. We're not out in the woods, mind you, but we save where we can.
T -- Teacher of middle schoolers. Yes, that makes me crazy, I guess, but I like it (most of the time).
U -- Underestimated. I tend to let people do their own thing and I'm not that great about tooting my own horn.
V -- Versatile. I'm good at a lot of different things and, more often than not, have to curb my mercurial spirit to keep from spreading myself too thin.
W --Wanderer. Though not ADD, I tend to go off on bunny trails if I'm not careful.
X -- Does anyone really have anything clever for this one? I think my creative juices are frozen right now!
Y -- Younger than people think I am. Most people guess I'm in my 40's since my oldest is 11 1/2. I'm actually in my mid-thirties. I had my oldest DS in my early twenties.
Z -- Zany. I can be pretty off-the-wall sometimes and that oldest DS of mine loves it because he's off-the-wall, too!